I All Things Design & Development

My life purpose is to create. If you are looking for a creator, builder, problem solver then I would love to hear from you. I specialize in UI design and front-end development. I love to code and design.  

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These projects show my Journey in web development. I utilized tools like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, SASS and many others.

fultion fithouse

Fulton Fithouse

Gym Website. Made with bootstrap, utilized JavaScript and responsive design.

flight site

Flight Site

Playground project for a design challenge. Advanced SASS and attention to UX.

jquery test site

Image search project

Image gallery that uses jQuery plugins for search and a lightbox image gallery.

jquery test site

Pixel Art Maker

A single page app that allows the user to create there own designs.

jquery test site

Fend Memory Game

Card matching game that shows more advanced knowledge of JavaScript.

jquery test site

Classic Arcade Game Clone

Frogger like game. Uses object oriented JavaScript.

Why would you hire me?

Simply put, I love this stuff. I love solving people's problems with code and design. I am an awesome guy to be around. I lead by example and follow with encouragement.

rashad madison profile picture





Ruby On Rails













These are the avenues I use for my continued journey for knowledge. I really enjoy digital classrooms particularly, I intend to take some sort of class online for the rest of my life for personal development and job readiness.

rashad madison profile picture

Grow with Google Challenge

I entered this challenge to gain a scholarship with Udacity and I succesfully gainined it. I was selected amongst 20,000 of my peers (there were only 2,000 available scholarships). During this challenge, I volunteered and was accepted as a peer leader over the mid-west slack channel. There I encouraged my peers to take part in events and activities related to the web in the midwestern areas of the US. An obstacle that I encountered during the challenge was the long hours of my new full time job. Also, the difficult passing of my grandmother. So upon succeeding with this challenge I felt a great deal of accomplishment. I love sharing conquering this hardship with people in my community as I want more people from disprivileged backgrounds such as mine to know what is possible in the world of technology. https://www.udacity.com/google-scholarships

Udacity Front-end Nanodegree

At the moment I am takeing part in the Udacity Nanodegree and learning a great deal. Speacking with a mentor and completeing projects in a timely matter is developing me as a Front-end Web Developer.

Pursuing a Techdegree with Treehouse

0 points have been earned

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Recieved a Bachelors Of Fine Arts

I am an alum of the Savannah University Of Art & Design. There I met many people just as passionate about art and technology as me. I received a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts in the Interactive Design and Development department.

Contact me

rashadmad@gmail.com (773)320-5797

Rashad J Madison

UI Design/Front-end Developer

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